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Electric Ghost Type With Transformative Abilities

Introducing WEB Rotom: The Electric Ghost Pokémon Coming to a Home Near You!

Electric-Ghost Type with Transformative Abilities

What is WEB Rotom?

WEB Rotom is a unique Pokémon that combines the powers of Electric and Ghost types. It has the ability to possess different appliances, such as refrigerators, microwaves, and washing machines, and transform into different forms. Each form grants Rotom new abilities and powers, making it a highly versatile Pokémon.

In-Game Value

WEB Rotom is highly sought after by trainers due to its powerful Electric-type moves and its ability to adapt to different situations. It has a base stat total of 471, with decent stats in all categories. Its Electric-type moves, such as Thunderbolt and Volt Switch, are extremely powerful and can take down opponents quickly.

Obtaining WEB Rotom

WEB Rotom can be obtained in-game by completing a special side quest in the new Pokémon game. The quest involves finding and possessing five different household appliances and returning them to a specific location. Once all five appliances have been possessed, the player will receive WEB Rotom.


WEB Rotom is a highly valuable and versatile Pokémon that can bring a new level of excitement and challenge to your Pokémon journey. Its Electric-Ghost typing, transformative abilities, and powerful moves make it a must-have for any serious trainer. Whether you're battling other trainers or exploring the vast world of Pokémon, WEB Rotom is sure to become a loyal and indispensable companion.
